Frugal-Horn.com is a home
of high-performance, low-cost (ie frugal) diy horn designs.
The resurgence of interest in full range speakers has led to a renewed exploration
of the rear-loaded horn. This coupled with a whole new generation of more advanced
computer-based modeling tools have given designers more power to generate better
started in 2006 as a place to gather together a collection of some of the better
diy horn enclosures. This update brings the entire 3 horn Frugel-Horn family &
new Spawns to the site. |
An estimated 1,000+ Frugel-Horn
Mk3 have been
built by the diy hifi community. FH3 been shown to work with
a wide variety of drivers. The FH3 has been followed by a larger Frugel-Horn XL and smaller Frugel-Horn Lite. Independent cottage industry
and bespoke finished Frugel-Horns has started up in Canada (North America), UK, Australia,
& The Netherlands. More are being encouraged.
A recent review of a commercial FH3 build/system.
With Fostex doing a complete revision of their popular full-ranges, most of the Spawn
of Frugel-Horn became obsolete. We now have a new set of Olson/Nagaoka Double Mouth
Manifold Horns for the Fostex FExx6En series of drivers. The new Fostex FFxx5wk series
can be used in the old mBVR (Changs) but we are looking at optimising for these. |

Sanderson's Sachiko's with Fostex FE206eS-R
Rear/Back horns (RLH/BLH), with the
rear of the driver loaded by a bass horn, help a full range driver produce more bass
with less work, extending the range closer to the holy grail of 10 octave performance
and providing startling dynamics. Horns are typically more complex to build, and
are not without other problems, but a well-executed BLH can be a real aid to enjoying
the music -- and in the end that is what it is all about.
This site inspired by the unflagging support to the DIY community of people such
as Greg Monfort, Terry Cain, Ron Clarke, Martin King, and the great number of DIY
forums that have created a fertile place for the DIY community to gain the support
& help of others around the world, and provide for the healthy cross-fertilization
of ideas that is bringing about the renaissance and acceptance of people building their
own HiFi. |

A favourite
-- Chang NBVR
Here you will find:
- the Frugel-Horn Mk3, a small corner horn, useable with an unusually
wide variety of drivers
- the Spawn family,
tall double mouth horns and BVRs (Big Vent Reflex)
- Ron Clarke's
horns, 3 elegant horns
benefiting from some of the most advanced design tools available today
- Bob Hayes' Dalek,
a challenging to build but beautifully elegant horn for the Fostex FE166e
- the Metronome,
an ML- QQWP family supporting a wide range of drivers that is very elegant &
amongst the simplest of horn-like enclosures to build
All of these will be supported
by well developed plans (some still a work in progress) and links to community discussions
on these specific designs
These horns are free to build
for non-commercial use and licencing
requirements for commercial
ventures are not onerous
We hope that the builders add
their own creativity and personality to their speakers.